In JavaScript the parseFloat function takes a string as an argument and returns a decimal number.

The syntax is therefore the following: parseFloat(string).

Where string represents the string to convert.

This function, as well as the previous parseInt determines if the first character of the string is a number and continues until it finds a different character.

Let’s see some practical examples in this regard.

JavaScript parseFloat – example

Here are some examples with various text strings.

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parseFloat("13 01 20");

Instead, if we try to pass a string without any initial numeric character, the function returns NaN, as in the following cases:


Only the first parseFloat will give 13.5, all the others will give us the number 13.


In this lesson we have studied the JavaScript parseFloat function, in the next lessons I will introduce you to many other useful functions.

Some useful links

JavaScript tutorial

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For in loop

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